“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає”. Project grants for integration through culture up to 5 000 EUR
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a call for applications for Projects mini grants. You can receive up to €5 000 for implementation of projects, focused on integration of people, who were forced to leave their homes because of the Russian war against Ukraine.
The Project grants programme offers support for cultural organisations that emphasize work with people, who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or Creative Europe countries (all EU member states, as well as some non-EU countries) because of the Russia’s war in Ukraine. The project idea must be focused on displaced people or refugees, facilitation of their integration into new contexts through culture, and support of their mental health. Additional efforts should be put into involving families and children in the project activities. The proposed activities can have a form of workshops, co-creation processes, educational projects, art therapy or similar.
Facts on the Project grants programme
- “Culture helps” include 4 calls for Project grants, which will be announced in 2023-2025. This is the fourth call of the programme.
- Each call will support around 20 project grants.
- 70% of the total grants are expected to be disbursed in Ukraine, 30% in Creative Europe countries.
- Minimum amount of the grant is €2 000, maximum €3 750.
- In this call, it’s important to co-finance the project by at least 25% of the total project amount;
- The total project amount, including co-financing, is up to €5 000.
To apply for the grant, you need to be (eligibility criteria)
- A non-profit organisation or an independent initiative, based in Ukraine or a Creative Europe country.
- Actively working on the integration of displaced people or refugees from Ukraine into new realities and communities through culture, in particular families and children.
Application and timeline
- Applications can be submitted via link. You can find all the questions from the form here;
- You can apply in English or Ukrainian (choose the one convenient for you – it will not affect the result of the assessment);
- If you have technical or other difficulties with the Internet connection, you can submit an application as a Word document. Please reach us via email if it is your case;
- Deadline for applications is January 21, 2025, 23:59 Kyiv time;
- Results of the selection process will be announced no later than February 7, 2025;
- Activities within the projects may begin no earlier than February 7, 2025, and must be completed by March 10, 2025.
Selection process and criteria
The selection process will include:
- Check for eligibility – make sure you are eligible to apply for the call, otherwise your application will not be considered.
- Assessment of proposals by jury.
The following aspects will be assessed:
- Capacity and competences of the team (15 points).
- Quality of the proposal (25 points). In order to form a high-quality proposal when writing an application, consider the following: Is the project idea focused on displaced people or refugees from Ukraine? Is the integration through culture and/or facilitation of integration the main scope of the project proposal? Are there any unexpected & cross-sectoral activities? Is mental health awareness included in the proposal? Is the requested budget adequate for the project? Are families and children involved in the proposal?
- Obligatory co-financing of the project (5 points).
- Innovative/ experimental approach (10 points).
- Sustainability of action (5 points).
The projects scoring 60% on each category and 80% overall will be awarded with the budget requested in the application, with a maximum of €3 750.
Financing conditions for the 4th call of project grants:
- The total cost of the project, including co-financing, must be up to €5 000;
- The “Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” programme will finance 75% of the project, but not more than €3 750;
- The first tranche of 50% of the amount financed by the “Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” programme will be paid by the end of February 2025;
- Another 25% of the amount financed by the “Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” programme will be paid after reporting on the implementation of the project for the full amount of its cost, in July 2025.
Do you have any questions left? Use one of the possibilities to prepare a better application:
- Focus on the advice before filling out the application.
- Join an online info session on January 14, 2025, 16:00 Kyiv time. Please register via link for the session, and we will send you an invitation with a Zoom link.
- By the link, you can find a recording of a previous Online info session on project grants, where we discussed many questions related to the preparation of the application.
- Contact us via email, culture_helps@insha-osvita.org.
- Contact us via Telegram chat.
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” is a project co-funded by the European Union under a dedicated call for proposals to support Ukrainian displaced people and the Ukrainian Cultural and Creative Sectors. The project is a cooperation between Insha Osvita (UA) and zusa (DE).