Fellows of Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine 2024

Fellows of Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine 2024

We continue to talk about fellows of Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine 2024 — activists and artists who were forced to move abroad due to a full-scale war, but return to Ukraine to resume their human rights, educational and artistic activities here.

Victoria Palma is a multidisciplinary artist, the author of the ART-HATA literary and exhibition space. She is working on the project “Monochromism of Being”, in which through graphic works engages in a dialogue on the topic of binary and non-binary. Within the fellowship, she plans to organize several exhibitions.

Svitlana Jamal Eddin  is an activist who works with the topic of acquiring asexuality due to illness and how to adapt to these changes in life. Wants to help raise awareness among women who have also faced such changes.

Maria Valtina is an opera singer, within the fellowship, she will work on concerts dedicated to American classical music of the 20th century, in order to introduce the public to classical works that are known abroad, but little known in Ukraine.

Anton Zhdankin is a volunteer who, with the start of a full-scale war, actively helps fighters and people who were forced to move to safer regions. In 2022, he founded the charity projects “Creativity of the Invincible” and “Art & Rest”, where young poets and musicians of Dnipro share their creativity and collect money to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. More than 120 charity events have already been held.

Yana Gergel is a cultural manager and Roma activist. Yana’s activities are focused on the importance of involving the Roma community in the public activities of Ukraine.

Anna Burban is a writer, legal historian, head of a charity foundation that has been helping women involved in the war, veterans and artists for more than 15 years. Anna helps women reintegrate through cultural practices and overcome creative crisis after military experience.

Maria Yasinska is a theater expert, producer, cultural journalist, documentarian, curator of cultural projects, playwright and director. After returning to Ukraine, she plans to establish the NGO Cultura Moderna, whose activities will be devoted to the implementation of interdisciplinary artistic, educational and research projects, in particular to the study of the Ukrainian theatrical avant-garde of the early 90s and the first half of the 20s.

Natala Omelchuk is a cultural manager, working on the “Memories in Boxes” project. It is a space for meetings, discussions and discussions related to the history and culture of Ukraine between women, as well as discussion of the common experience of these women and recording of memories for preservation and further research.

Yulia Solokhais an activist who works with people who were forced to move abroad due to the war, military personnel, the elderly and people with disabilities. Within the fellowship, she will be engaged in advocacy of the interests of those in need: help with the restoration of documents, with the preparation of documents for employment, for social benefits, etc.

Alina Neskreba is an artist. Alina works to popularize the cultural heritage of the Jewish people. She will create Jewish folktales in audio format, but illuminate them through the lens of a modern child, adding modern and futuristic elements to the folktales.

Ivan Orlenko is a theater and film director, screenwriter. Currently, in addition to film and theater projects, Ivan is engaged in the development of the pilot of the digital memorial project “Empty Places” in the locations of 3D copies of abandoned synagogues in Ukraine.

Nataliia Bukhta – before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, she worked as a lawyer for the protection of women’s and children’s rights, opposed discrimination against Roma, helped families who lost relatives due to forced deportation from Ukraine during the Second World War. Nataliia is now returning to Ukraine to resume all her activities, as well as to add to them legal assistance to the families of military personnel and women and children who were forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine and abroad.

Olena Yegorushkina is an art critic, visual art expert and curator. In 2022, she started the UKRAINE wARTime exhibition project of Ukrainian wartime art. Within the fellowship, she will work on the project’s online catalog.

Margarita Tristan is an artist, jewelry designer, art therapist. Before the full-scale invasion, she carried out her creative and teaching activities in Kramatorsk and was forced to move. Within the fellowship, he will work on creating works for a personal exhibition.

Maria Leonova is an artist. Within the fellowship, Maria plans to conduct a study of the work of the writer, teacher and activist Olga Duchyminska, which will include an expedition to the village of Mykolaiv (Lviv region), collection of artifacts from this area, combination with the plots of her poems through various types of decorative and applied arts.

The programme is implemented by Insha Osvita in partnership with Commit by MitOst gGmbH and with the support of the Foundation “Memory, Responsibility, and Future” (EVZ).