Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine 2024 selection results

Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine 2024 selection results

Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine is a fellowship program designed to provide financial and mentorship support to those who worked in the public, educational, and cultural sectors before the full-scale war, were forced to leave their homes, but want to return to Ukraine and resume their work.

In this call, we will support 50 activists, artists, and cultural workers who work with the LGBTQIA+ community, commemorative practices (such as the theme of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Jewish history, and memory of victims of Nazism), as well as with protecting the rights of national minorities and combating discrimination against Roma. The program includes a fellowship of 20,000 UAH per month to resume activities in Ukraine and an additional 10,000 UAH for renting workspaces, mentorship, or training.

During the open call, we received 93 applications, from which independent experts selected 50 fellows of the Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine 2024:

  1. Volodymyr Yakovenko
  2. Vira Dranhoi
  3. Saf Homin
  4. Alina Ponypalyak
  5. Iryna Kudria
  6. Maria Yasinska
  7. Alina Rodina
  8. Maryna Bublyk
  9. Tetiana Storozhko
  10. Olena Romanenko
  11. Artur Ivanenko
  12. Dmytro Tkachuk
  13. Alina Zhuravel
  14. Mariia Shevchenko 
  15. Victoria Palma
  16. Svitlana Jamal Eddin 
  17. Anzhelika Ustymenko
  18. Alina Panasenko
  19. Natala Omelchuk
  20. Nataliia Bukhta
  21. Ivan Orlenko
  22. Natalia Pukha
  23. Yulia Solokha
  24. Daria Zimenko
  25. Maria Leonova
  26. Natalia Diachenko
  27. Victoriia Fedoriv
  28. Anna Shestakova
  29. Nataliia Pedan
  30. Yana Gederym
  31. Olena Yegorushkina
  32. Sofia Lugova
  33. Vitalii Zinchenko
  34. Margarita Tristan
  35. Olena Solodovnikova
  36. Alina Neskreba
  37. Julia Uvarova
  38. Anatolii Levchenko
  39. Kateryna Sakevych
  40. Kateryna Bagrych
  41. Olena Filipova
  42. Svitlana Raschepkina
  43. Maria Valtina
  44. Galina Fedyura
  45. Tamara Dovhych
  46. Yana Gergel
  47. Anna Burban
  48. Anton Zhdankin

Some of this year’s fellows cannot disclose their identity for security reasons. We respect their decision, so we are publishing the list only of those program participants who have agreed to public disclosure. All winners have received emails with further steps to receive the fellowship. Thank you all for participating and your time!

The applications were evaluated by an independent jury consisting of cultural managers, curators, volunteers, artists, and activists:

  • Semenyuk Kateryna – curator, cultural manager, co-founder of the cultural platform “Past / Future / Art”;
  • Oleksandra Koriak – Romani activist and human rights defender;
  • Petro Dolhanov – PhD in History, assoчfessor at the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Innovations at the Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education;
  • Kateryna Sergatskova – journalist, TV presenter, writer, co-founder of Kyiv-based Zaborona Media, co-founder and CEO of the 2402 Foundation (Ukraine) and Daily Humanity (Denmark), co-founder of the Photographic Archive of War in Ukraine (Warchive);
  • Berh Diana – activist, cultural manager, and artist, a founder of the protest movement Donetsk is Ukraine and founder of the TU Platform;
  • Korotkevych Yaryna – cultural manager, works with the Lviv Heritage Bureau;
  • Olha Bozhko – Volynska – journalist, documentary filmmaker, writer, and human rights defender;
  • Sharyhina Anna – program director of KyivPride 2015-2018, co-organizer of KharkivPride and Women’s Solidarity Weeks;
  • Roman Zimenko – expert in nondiscrimination, Romani integration, and development and implementation of programs in the non-governmental sector.

The programme is implemented by Insha Osvita in partnership with Commit by MitOst gGmbH and with the support of the Foundation “Memory, Responsibility, and Future” (EVZ).