Scattered Communities 2025: open call for the second round of the program

Scattered Communities 2025: open call for the second round of the program

here are no statistics on this —  how many Ukrainian artists were forced to settle abroad because of the war, how many happily and successfully and how many not so much, how many secretly and how many openly and how many with public condemnation. How many still plan to return, and how many are unlikely to do so? There are no precise statistics on how many Ukrainian artists have stayed, how many (do not) regret their decision, how many have found their artistic language, and how many have become numb and immobile. There are no lists of those mobilized, voluntarily or not, of those who returned and those who will not return. There is no data on severed friendships, professional and love relationships, unfinished work interrupted conversations, and inadmissible thoughts. We do not know how many we have lost, we do not know how many of us are left. But even if we did, what would these numbers tell us?

There is no tool to measure (self-)aggression, uncertainty, and guilt —  collective and individual. We cannot measure the level of tension and the residual elasticity of those invisible threads that (still) connect people, communities, institutions, ideas, movements, and schools. Is the connection still intact, how close is the break, and how deep are the divisions?

Scattered Communities is a program for Ukrainian artists who stayed in Ukraine and who left because of the war and who would like to work through these diverse experiences in collaborative artworks. These collaborative artworks can reflect on the themes of community ties and migration on different levels and in different forms – from collaborative work to an art battle. Criticism and frankness are welcome, squabbles and gossip are not.

The program includes a series of online meetings to find partners for collaboration, opportunities for funding and mobility, as well as participation in online artist talks and podium discussions. Scattered Communities is conceived as a longer program that will have several iterations of support and aims to support artistic dialogue within the Ukrainian artistic community, which is dispersed between Ukraine and other countries.

This time, the application for the program is divided into two forms: 

  • for those who apply together with a partner who is on the other side of the border
  • for those who apply alone and will look for partners already in the program

You can find the application forms below:
Individual application for _Scattered Communities
Collective Application for _Scattered Communities

We are looking for partners for collaboration, both within the new Scattered Communities circle and among those who participated in the first round of the program (see the full list here).

Program curatorial team

  • Alona Karavaі, Asortymentna Kimnata 
  • Yaroslav Futimsky, artist and independent curator
  • Serhiy Klymko, Kyiv Biennial

Application for participation in the program until 14 March

  • You can fill out the application for solo participants here.
  • For formed tandems, find the link to the application here.

The “Scattered Communities” program is implemented by Asortymentna Kimnata and Insha Osvita with the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung