Bring learning back to life. Celebrate changes. Help communities become self-sufficietn.
Insha Osvita is a non-governmental organization and professional community that develops educational programs, works with culture and art as forms of collective learning, and creates mental and physical learning spaces.
Our vision
Horizontal resilient communities that harness the potential of diversity for development. These communities are capable of transforming and adapting to a complex world.
We believe that a holistic, inspiring, and inclusive space for various forms of lifelong learning helps each one of us to evolve and define our lives. Through diverse, holistic, and live learning, we allow ourselves more trust (in ourselves and in others) and come together more often to strengthen ourselves and our communities.
Our values
Openness, mutual support, responsibility (for yourself and others), trust, freedom of expression, equality, beauty, and joy.
The founders of Insha Osvita have been working in Ukraine since 2008 when two active members of the organization MitOst e.V. decided to adapt international experience in non-formal civic education for Ukraine. The first program was the Civic Engagement Workshop (Mayternya), which grew from two regions of Ukraine (Volyn and Donetsk) to an international level, formed a community of alumnain Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and laid the foundation for many future projects. The name “Insha Osvita” emerged in 2014.
We implement projects at the local, national, and international levels. Our offices operate in Kyiv and Ivano-Frankivsk.