Dialogue for Change

Funding: Auswärtiges Amt, Robert Bosch Stiftung, European Cultural Foundation
Partners: MitOst e.V., EcoVisio, Interra, Genius Loci, Auswärtiges Amt
Duration: 2014–2019 years
Contact: office@insha-osvita.org
“Dialogue for Change” is a project initiated by the German association MitOst and Insha Osvita against the backdrop of the post-revolutionary situation in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in 2014. It was aimed at establishing constructive cooperation between activists, strengthening civil society in Ukraine, and supporting dialogue with neighbouring countries.
“Dialogue” lasted for 4 years and included training activities to strengthen civic engagement and responsibility of young people in Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Russia, and Moldova. In particular, its important components are:
- Live History Workshop;
- Rural Rules forum;
- Rural Initiatives Workshop;
- The Habit of Thinking programme.
The Dialogue for Change also implemented the UkraineLab programme. It is a platform for intellectual networking and cross-sectoral cooperation between Ukrainian and European change-makers. The Ukraine Lab programme brought together forums in Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Cherkasy, and Berlin to provide participants and civil society organisations with a space to explore and discuss visions of peacebuilding and the new role of civil society. More information about the programme is available here.
Dialogue for Change worked at the local and European levels.
At the local level, the project focused on developing civic engagement and forming horizontal contacts between activists.
Dialogue for Change facilitated international exchange between civil society representatives, organisations, and expert networks in the target countries. This allowed for the joint implementation of projects to develop local communities and a culture of democratic dialogue. The programmes have also created connections with participants. For example, alumni from previous years have joined the facilitation or even become programme coordinators for the current Dialogue for Change call.
The Dialogue for Change comprised seven projects. They are grouped into three themes: rural development, history, and the conflict potential of its interpretation in society, and cultural and educational innovations and exchange with the EU.
During the project:
– reached about 150 adolescents from rural communities in Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus;
– involved about 160 young professionals from civil society, cultural, and educational sectors in cross-sectoral activities in Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, and Belarus;
– participants implemented 100 projects that contributed to changes in their rural communities;
– work was underway to create 2 “third places” in Ukraine — Khata-Maysternya in Babyn village and Promprylad in Ivano-Frankivsk;
– created 3 models of educational programmes that can be transferred to different places and contexts;
– translated 1 manual;
– created 1 online course on event organisation.
As part of the Dialogue for Change, the publication “Forum for People: A Meeting Place for People and Meanings” was released, which contains theoretical frameworks and practical tools that can be used in organising forums as meeting places for people and meanings. You can read it online here.