The ВІЛЬНО/VILNO program is dedicated to the recovery, adaptation, and reintegration of veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war who previously worked in the cultural and educational sectors. We aim to support cultural managers, artists, journalists, teachers, and other professionals who seek to return to their professions after being discharged from service. Last year, we supported 10 […]
here are no statistics on this — how many Ukrainian artists were forced to settle abroad because of the war, how many happily and successfully and how many not so much, how many secretly and how many openly and how many with public condemnation. How many still plan to return, and how many are unlikely […]
We are about to launch a new call of the ВІЛЬНО/VILNO program. This initiative focuses on the recovery, adaptation, and reintegration of veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war who previously worked in the cultural and/or educational sectors before their service. As part of this open call, we are looking for experts to join an independent jury […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a seventh call for applications for individual grants. You can receive up to €1 000 as individual mental health support. The Individual grants programme focuses on support of mental health. Cultural workers, activists and artists, working with people who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a call for applications for Projects mini grants. You can receive up to €5 000 for implementation of projects, focused on integration of people, who were forced to leave their homes because of the Russian war against Ukraine. The Project grants programme offers support for cultural organisations that emphasize […]
As part of the Co-Creative Communities project, we are launching online workshops for leaders of nonprofit organizations that work with vulnerable groups (people who have been forced to leave their homes, children and teenagers, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, single mothers/fathers, veterans). These can include human rights organizations and communities, organizations and informal groups in […]
The ВІЛЬНО/VILNO program aims to recover, adapt, and reintegrate into civilian life veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war who worked in the cultural and educational sectors before their service. Within the first round of the ВІЛЬНО/VILNO program from October 2024 to January 2025 will be implemented: A fellowship for veterans from September to December for 600 […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a fourth call for applications for individual grants. You can receive up to €1.000 as individual mental health support. The Individual grants programme focuses on support of mental health. Cultural workers, activists and artists, working with people who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or […]
Strengthening grassroots networks and upgraded tools for working with vulnerable groups — together with MitOst e.V. and EcoHub, we are launching the Co Creative Communities educational project. It aims to strengthen grassroots and local democratic processes in Ukraine and Armenia. As part of the project, we will hold a three-day offline dialogue in Kyiv on […]
The project grants programme supports organisations and initiatives working in Ukraine or abroad, and implementing projects for the integration of Ukrainians into new communities through cultural events. Within the programme, you can receive up to 5,000 euros for the implementation of such a project. This is the third competition for projects grants for integration through […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a fourth call for applications for individual grants. You can receive up to €1.000 as individual mental health support. The Individual grants programme focuses on support of mental health. Cultural workers, activists and artists, working with people who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or […]
The Collaboration grants programme offers support for cultural organisations that emphasises work with people, who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or Creative Europe countries (all EU Member States as well as certain non-EU countries) because of russia’s war against Ukraine. The grant supports collaborations between organisations that are focused on […]
Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine is a fellowship program designed to provide financial and mentorship support to those who worked in the public, educational, and cultural sectors before the full-scale war, were forced to leave their homes, but want to return to Ukraine and resume their work. In this call, we will support 50 activists, artists, and […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a call for applications for Projects mini grants. You can receive up to €5.000 for implementation of projects, focused on integration of people, who were forced to leave their homes because of the Russian war against Ukraine. The Project grants programme offers support for cultural organisations that emphasize work […]
Cultural workers, artists, activists, social entrepreneurs — like many other Ukrainians, they were forced to leave Ukraine and go abroad with the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Some of them have already returned and resumed their activities at home. But no less are those who cannot return, start over, or restore their cultural, artistic, public, […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” is a project co-funded by the European Union under a dedicated call for proposals to support Ukrainian displaced people and the Ukrainian Cultural and Creative Sectors, which is a cooperation between Insha Osvita (UA) and zusa (DE) — opens a call for applications for collaboration grants. You can receive a […]
The project grant program supports cultural initiatives and organisations that work with people who have been forced to move to safer regions or countries of Creative Europe due to the war in Ukraine. Within this competition, organisations can receive up to 5,000 euros for cultural projects to integrate people into new communities. In the second […]
The Collaboration grants programme offers support for cultural organisations that emphasises work with people, who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or Creative Europe countries (all EU Member States as well as certain non-EU countries) because of russia’s war against Ukraine. The grant supports collaborations between organisations that are focused on […]
We announce the results of the third (and last this year) call for individual grants for mental health support within the «Culture Helps / Культура допомагає» project. During the month of the competition, we received 351 applications and selected 23 cultural managers, activists, and artists. They work with the cultural integration of people who have […]
We are ready to announce the selection results of the Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine program. This program was made for activists, artists, social entrepreneurs, cultural figures who have been forced to move abroad because of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but plan to return/have returned to resume their professional activities. The program provides three-month financial support […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” opens a third call for applications for individual grants. You can receive up to €1.000 as individual mental health support. The Individual grants programme focuses on support of mental health. Cultural workers, activists and artists, working with people who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or […]
Insha Osvita with partners will implement projects that involve a competitive selection of participants and independent evaluation of grant applications in 2023-2025. People from Insha Osvita should be less and less involved in this evaluation, in order to avoid conflicts of interest and operational blindness. Decisions should not be centralized but distributed across different parts […]
“Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” — a project co-funded by the EU Creative Europe Programme and implemented by Insha Osvita (UA) and zusa (DE) — opens a call for applications for collaboration grants. You can receive up to EUR 40.000 for the implementation of international partnership projects between 2 or 3 organisations, focused on the […]
UPD: results of the second round of the individual grants for mental health support within the “Culture Helps / Культура допомагає” project. This program supports the mental health of cultural managers and activists, who work with the integration of people who have been forced to move to safer regions of Ukraine or abroad because of […]
We received 132 applications, out of which the jury selected 10 partnerships between organizations. Among them are collaborations between Ukrainian organizations and institutions from Austria, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden, Germany, France, Ireland, Poland, and Slovakia. This program supports joint projects between two or three organizations. At least one of them should be officially registered […]
Just like last year, on Independence Day of Ukraine, we are launching a new call of the Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine programme. We want to support people who, worked in the public, educational, and cultural sectors before the full-scale invasion and were forced to go abroad, but now want to continue their activities at home. As […]
We launched the first grants calls in May and June. Each grant call received more than 500 applications. They were evaluated by a jury consisting of representatives of the project’s partner organizations, as well as professionals from various fields nominated by Insha Osvita jury members. We are expanding our pool of jury, who will work […]
Insha Osvita in partnership with the Prague Civil Society Centre as well as with Asortymentna kimnata and proto produkciia is inviting performing and visual artists, independent media journalists, critics, and curators of contemporary art in Europe, cultural managers and art producers from Germany, Austria, France, Italy, and Spain for one week visits to Ukraine. We […]
У січні в межах проєкту «Довіра та пам’ять» завершився онлайн-курс із меморіальних практик для музейників, музейниць, митців, мисткинь, культурних менеджерів і менеджерок. «Як ми згадуватимемо про війну росії проти України?», «Як ми збиратимемо нові артефакти в музеї та якими етичними нормами послуговуватимемось?», «Які нові експозиції, музеї створимо?», «Чи буде в музеях місце, не лише для […]
28 січня о 15:00 в «Асортиментній кімнаті» відкрилась виставка «За деревом дерево». Виставка презентує результати мистецької резиденції «Коли оповідь було перервано?», що об’єднала у Хаті-Майстерні в Бабинському районі 12 художників і художниць. Після двох тижнів спільної роботи художниці та художники покажуть нові роботи. Також на виставці будуть представлені роботи кількох запрошених проєктів. Російський імперіалізм продовжує […]
Vidnova Fellowship has awarded 23 grants to those who returned to Ukraine. Vidnova Fellowship awarded 23 scholarships to Ukrainians who left the country after the full-scale invasion, but decided to return home or move to another region. Public, cultural and educational activists continue to work on initiatives that bring communities together and make their lives […]
Last year, a grant program called «Cultural Wintering» was launched. «Cultural» because it aims to support spaces throughout Ukraine, that serve as a refuge for residents and at the same time embody cultural projects.«Wintering», as the purpose of the project is to support the functioning of such centers during the winter. Through this program, cultural […]
Чим більший сумарний професійний рівень культурного менеджменту, тим потужніші мистецькі проєкти та інституції ми зможемо будувати — як українські, так і ті, що презентуватимуть нашу країну за кордоном. За кожним начебто індивідуальним проривом в секторі стоїть багато сучасників та “попередників”, їх здобутків та зусиль. І вірогідність прориву зменшується через внутрішні обмеження екосистеми. Одним з інструментів […]
English version below “Інша Освіта” працює задля розвитку громадянського суспільства в Україні. Вторгнення РФ в Україну підриває гуманістичні цінності, на які спирається організація. Наші орієнтири – відкритість, взаємна підтримка, відповідальність (за себе та інших), довіра, свобода вираження, рівність, краса, радість. Зараз все це під загрозою знищення. Ми виступали та виступаємо за побудову взаємозв’язків та повагу […]
Як працюють креативні хаби в Україні під час пандемії Covid-19? Нас дуже зацікавило це питання, тому Інша Освіта разом із British Council Ukraine провели мапування креативних хабів під час другої Digital Lab для менеджерів креативних хабів у рамках програми ЄС House of Europe. Авторка дослідження – Катерина Кравчук – дослідниця, фасилітаторка та експертка з креативних […]
В (о)світі тільки й розмов, що про компетенції. Компетенції можна розуміти як трикутник зі знань, навичок та – в залежності від трактування – ставлення або цінностей. Також їх можна трактувати як здатність відповідати на комплексні запити та вміння мобілізувати ресурси для вирішення нетипових завдань з урахуванням поточного контексту. В свою чергу, кілька компетенцій формують компетентнісну […]
Цю вже класичну школу Інша Освіта розбробила як майданчик для занурення в тему фасилітації навчальних форматів — тренінгів, дискусій тощо. Якщо ти шукаєш, як привнести неформальні методи в освітні продукти, хочеш впевненіше створювати авторські програми для корпоративних навчань, курсів і тренінгів, а також фасилітувати їх — тобі сюди. Ця школа буде корисною: Для професіоналів та […]
Кращого часу, аби підписатися на щомісячну розсилку Іншої Освіти годі й придумати. Зробити це в два кліки можна за цим посиланням. У нас доволі багато проєктів та програм, а разом з ними – постів-анонсів, подій та інформації загалом. Інколи можна й загубитися. Тому раз на місяць ми збираємо і структуруємо всю цю інформацію у лаконічний, […]
Нас можна підтримати! Можна коментарем, можна лайком чи репостом, можна донейтом. Інша Освіта – громадська організація, яка займається розробкою неформальних освітніх програм, працює з культурою та мистецтвом як формами колективного навчання та створює продуктивні та інклюзивні навчальні простори. Наша діяльність доволі різноманітна. В рамках програми Студії живої історії ми працюємо з пам’яттю та публічною історією […]
Щороку на загальних зборах Іншої Освіти затверджуються стратегічні рішення, переобирається правління та відбувається голосування за нових членів та членкинь. Цього року не виключення, і ми шукаємо 3 членів або членкинь в нашу спільноту (обмеження по кількості обумовлене статутом).